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Topics - Jonathan003

iChess / iChess not listed on google play store anymore
I can't find iChess on google play store anymore? If I buy a new tablet or phone how can I install the app? I really like iChess and I have paid for it, so I hope it is possible.
Chess Book Study / set first page of a book
I have a chess book in pdf with 14 pages of introduction and preface.
So page 1 starts actually at page 15 (14+1).
If I go to 'go to' I always have to add 14 to go to the right page number.
What exactly is the option 'First page offset' in the book setting meant for?
I was thinking this problem could be solved with this option but it is not, maybe it would if I could enter a negative value like -14 but I can't type a - in the box on my android galaxy tab A 2018
Maybe I can just remove the first 14 pages from the pdf book?
iChess / Some question about iChess pro
It is possible to log in with your account in iChess pro.
What exactly is this login used for?
I was thinking that the progress I made for the tactics, I solved would be synced across my devices, where I installed iChess pro. But I see that this is not the case. I have iChess pro installed both on my Samsung Galaxy s20, and my Samsung Tab A.
I'm logged in on iChess on both devices but my progress is not synced.
I would like it if my progress was synced across my devices.
So I would like to request this for future updates of iChess.
iChess / Create tactics from pgn file
I just learn to work with iChess pro and I really like it.
I like the look and feel in comparison with many other tactics training apps.
According the manual it should be possible to create your own tactics exercises from a pgn file.
I wonder how exactly to do this? How does the pgn  has to look like?